Sunday, July 06, 2008

Chu Bar

First few days back in Vietnam, everything is brought back to me. The smells, the dust, the environment and people... you would not be mistaken for anything else. Things are so unique in here that even if i travel around world, i doubt that i would find the same experience while i am here. No matter how much i hate and love it, in the end it is still the place i call home. There is a saying from an unknown author "No place else like home" or "Home sweet home" which are very common nowadays among all of us. Forgive me if my knowledge in idioms is limited, if anyone knows a correct version, feel free to fix me.

My first social activity is in a bar call Chu Bar. Apparently, i was not aware of going there at all nor had any intention of having a night life here. However, i got a phone call from dad telling me to pick him up due to he got a lift from a friend to that bar and had no transportation back. Besides, he was 30% drunk and nobody would want him to ride home alone. You probably wonder why i use "ride" instead of "drive". For those who know, we use bikes here and i am a very good biker, ask Drew. So i reached the place, walked in. It's a small bar surrounded by people, the drinking bar is in the middle of the bar and people sat around it. Bartenders, mostly girls, served drinks with the smile on their faces, unlike Barcelona. Plus, they were smoking hot, Barcelona's girl promoters are only 50% of what those girls could be in terms of beauty. I especially laid eyes on the lady sitting at the corner of the bar alone, full with makeup, lovely figure that could melt any gentleman's heart. I guess she was there for a reason: waiting for someone, looking for someone or just be there for the sake of showing off. She looked at me and i looked at her, i smiled she smiled and i saw my dad waving at me so i walked to his table. Sigh... i had like few bucks in my wallet, could not even offer her a drink and besides, i was wearing SHORT and SLIPPERS, thanks to my dad. If i had known it earlier, i would have had worn something a bit more manly. Tough luck...

His usual gang were there whom i call uncles. They are nice people, dad's good old friends. I grabbed a chair then had a bit of Hennessy whiskey. The environment was cozy and filled with laughter, it somehow made me feel more like home than ever. Then we met an American lawyer friend, business associate with my dad 14 years ago and he still remembered me. Amazingly, he approached me and said hi which left me blank there for a moment. Good American accent, time for a change, reminded me of how English was supposed to be like. He commented me on my Aussie accent and wondered how come a Vietnamese had such an accent.

After 2 hours, we called it a night and headed home, had a few bumps on the road along the way but we reached home safe and sound. No pictures were taken due to me myself is in the process of getting a new camera phone. Hopefully, there will be more pictures in the next post.

1 comment:

Shiro said...

Rick's a good dr.. rider. If you like rollercoaster. weee