Friday, February 22, 2008

Vacation in Vietnam Pt2

Previous post of this topic was not described enough my time i spent in Vietnam since it is not just about going somewhere new but meeting new people. I got the chance to meet some of my dad's old friends. My dad has a habit of taking me around with him whenever i am there and to some certain places, better left untold. Anyway, one thing i learn from meeting them is that people stay in different countries have a different social way of interacting to each other and by just talking to them, i feel equal and open to share things which i have never had such experience talking to my own people.

The invisible force of tradition has been around us for centuries and the age gap is something that we Asians seriously consider in the daily conversations. However, such thing does not exist or somehow does not really matter in the Western countries namely USA. How do you tell a person's age? By talking to them and judge how old that person is or the way that person behaves maturely or not? So then we cannot really define rudeness since talking back is considered rude in Asian countries but encouraged in Western countries. Now that is something for a change.

I had good times there and meeting my dad's friends is one of those times. Even though, it was only for a short time but somehow, we have developed an invisible bond and to me i am really looking forward to seeing them again.

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